Monday, June 30, 2014

SENSE: A Play Reading of The Concord Comedy


A Play Reading
The Concord Comedy

WRITTEN by Tammy Rose

featuring the talents of

Mr. Richard Smith as HENRY

Ms. Tammy Rose as THE TOUR GUIDE

Mr. Wendell Refior as WALDO

Ms. Jan Turnquist as FULLER

Mr. Rob Velella as NAT

Ms. Kristi Martin as HUNT

Ms. Lorraine Martin as QUEENIE


Ms. Jean Crawford as Ellen & Ellen

These and many more 
will grace the stage 
for the 
Primary Event
of the 
Annual Gathering of the Thoreau Society

The Evening of
Wednesday, July 9th
in the year
Two Thousand and Fourteen
Seven O'Clock
The Masonic Temple
58 Monument Square
Concord, MA 01742

Tickets will be a mere $10
will also include a performance of 

"Einstein and Thoreau"
Connie Baxter Marlow

Attendees are Encouraged 
"To Dress Transcendentally"
which is a phrase
which shall be left open to interpretation

(as all good philosophies are)