Saturday, December 30, 2017

A Dream of Escape

A dream of escape.

Here in the Northeast in America, we are under a cold snap.

Since Christmas, we have been suffering with below zero temperatures and into the predictable future (according to the iPhone).

And then, with or without a cold (which I have), we are essentially trapped indoors.

I've been lucky to have a writing project to take me out of myself.

The BEST vacation I can ever have. 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Lesya Struz Lives!

There was a Walden ranger, wonderful and always smiling, eager to take you on any kind of hike.  She led me throughout Waltham and Walden, Cat Rock Park-to the backyard of my own office building.

She always had lovely stories, of her and her husband Joris, who had bought her a CUTE sportscar for her birthday one year.  She had tried to keep bees, until they kept her.  She wore pants that zipped off at the knee and camped out by firetowers at tops of mountains.  She led people through the woods and taught me Pippsesewwa, the shy flower, whose face is always turned to the ground.

Her ghost will follow me along trails, I can only hope, and always let her urge me to see the deer and the otter and the beaver and the wasp burls and how to age a pine tree and all the names of all the everythings.

The Moguls. The trails of Walden, the beaver dam and the mosquitoes.

I adored her and we laughed together.  It was almost as good as saying I love you, the way she did-opened her heart-everytime she named a flower or tree.

A nice obit from the Pacific Crest Trail, for S'Miles:

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Houses Haunted by the Tourists Willing them Into Life

The Old Manse, Emerson's Bush, Writers homes and museums.  Thoreau's tiny plot of dirt, framed by pillars of an archaeologist.

Wanting everything to still be the way it is in your imagination.  How is it that just some ink on a few pages can be eloquent enough to capture a human.  Are we haunted by books?  By furniture, by houses, by clothes and other things that were touched by people who have long since passed away.

We the living long to be surprised by something that is beyond life.  Are we really so bored?  What if the spirits are longing for our boredom.  Just to spend a minute inside our imperfect bodies. 

Maybe its the stories of the stories that move us.  Something that lives just beyond our scope of being able to describe it.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Concord Changes

There was a big showing of a new exhibit at the visitor's center.

2 longtime Concordians have moved on.

Walden is getting colder as we move towards autumn.

Henry's table is back in Concord.

Tomorrow is October.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Marching and Sauntering at The Umbrella Art Stroll

The Annual Umbrella Arts Stroll is being held in the Hapgood Wright Forest in Concord, all along the Thoreau-Emerson Ramble (which is the path through the woods from Concord Center to Walden Pond)

My role in the live art is performing my piece about Henry David Thoreau called Marching & Sauntering.  It originated in the idea that his work (mostly Civil Disobedience) has become relevant, which is the greatest gift an author can have.  A great birthday present for his 200th.

Sadly, the "Marching" piece got turned on its head when the KKK erupted in a march in Charlottesville, VA.

There was a performance the next day, in addition to reading my particular piece, I also read ALL of CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE.  Henry was happy to have his words spoken out loud in the woods.  And yes, it did take about an hour, the same time it took him when he gave it as a lecture himself.

The next performance has been updated with excerpts from "Slavery in Massachusetts"

And the final performance of Marching & Sauntering will be held on Saturday, September 9th at 3pm (the Sept 2nd performance was moved due to Labor Day).

More info is below:

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Thoreau at Mackinac Book, Art Exhibit and Award

The Mackinac Island Arts Council is publishing a book of stories, essays and poems called Thoreau At Mackinac. They had a marvelous event on July 8 (I wasn't present)

But I am delighted to say that I am in the book & I have received recognition (a monetary award) for my essay- a cross between non-fiction and fiction.  I describe it as a film just beyond reach.  This is how I see history, a series of stories we tell ourselves and future generations based on the few facts we have.

Below is the galley copy I've received, as well as the first page of the essay.

The book itself.

First page of the essay.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Mackinac Island Tribute and Morgan Library, NYC

Big countdown to the 200th Birthday!!

There is a big celebration scheduled for July 8 on Mackinac Island in Michigan, on Lake Huron.

They will have an art exhibition (which will include a few pieces of mine, inspired by Walden trees and views from trains).  AND there will be an AMAZING essay published in a book about Thoreau's visit to the island in 1861. (One of my best pieces, I believe, very proud, as you can tell!)

Also the Journals are being presented at the Morgan Library, reams of pages of handwriting.  The Thoreau Farm blog link of my review is upcoming....

Monday, May 1, 2017

Latest post on Thoreau Birthplace & Farm Blog

The essay in part, is here:

Thoreauvian World Domination, Faith in the Seed of an Idea

By Tammy Rose
Thoreau knew about the cycle of the seasons, the dispersion of seeds, about migration of birds and about immigration of peoples. When he lived at the pond, there were Irish railroad workers living in shacks (much like his) and he noticed the succession of humans, just as he noted the succession of trees.
“Such Irish as these are naturalizing themselves at a rapid rate-and threaten at last to displace the Yankees-as the latter have the Indians” The Journals, 1851
He wrote of Brister Freeman, a former enslaved Concordian resident who had purchased an acre of land in Walden Woods in the late 1770’s and whose name still holds title to Brister’s Hill and Brister’s Spring. If you are in the area, it is just the other side of Rt 2, inside the Hapgood-Wright Town Forest of Concord. He was most certainly not an “immigrant,” but one who had come to this country under the force of others. The Robbins House in Concord offers more information about him and other African American Concordians, including Ellen Garrison, Henry’s contemporary. We know of her through her letters, but there are many other stories, lives, cultures who are lost to time.
At Harvard, he took Italian, French, German, Spanish and was adept at Latin and Ancient Greek. I know plenty of young linguists, including myself, who were also inspired to take these languages as part of their Thoreauvian educations. He also had great respect for Native Americans and was adept at finding arrowheads on the ground, symbols of a lost culture.
Thoreau had all of these humans in his consciousness as he described the varied world around him. And the world has received his words, to the extent that they have taken in his ideas as their own. His ideas influenced the writings of Tolstoy and Chekov. Gandhi was introduced to the works of Thoreau by Henry S. Salt, who had written the 1890 Thoreau biography as well as other books on Ethical Vegetarianism. And Nelson Mandela, the ultimate symbol of Civil Disobedience, spent 27 years behind bars under Apartheid before he became President of South Africa. This is how the seeds of ideas get dispersed. Henry would have been proud.

Nelson Mandela’s cell where he spent part of his 18 years in prison on Robben Island. He spent a total of 27 years behind bars. (Photo courtesy of Renata Nowalk-Garmer}

Is there any other American writer whose most valuable ideas have been exported like this? Alexander Hamilton? Mark Twain? Even Walt Whitman, who “contains multitudes,” has a voice for the modern era, but one which is difficult to translate. Walden the pond also benefits by being at the crossroads of education and innovation. Even the most analytic MIT student needs to escape to the woods every so often. Families who are in the country because of the H-B 1 Visa can be overheard on the shores of Walden on any given summer day. Close your eyes, and except for the sand, you could easily imagine you are at the U.N.
Speaking of politics, sometimes Thoreau could predict the future in examples from the past.
“The orator yields to the inspiration of a transient occasion, and speaks to the mob before him, to those who can hear him; but the writer, whose more equable life is his occasion, and who would be distracted by the event and the crowd which inspire the orator, speaks to the intellect and health of mankind, to all in any age who can understand him.” –Walden
 Sound like anyone we know? Any popular ruler speaking to a mob before him? But thoughtful ideas spread like seeds, cross political borders without regard to fear or prejudice. They transcend, space, time, walls and even language. The only modern equivalent we have is technology; where the medium is the message. Whether it be stone, paper, breath or video. And Henry continues his previous section:
 “A written word is the choicest of relics. It is something at once more intimate with us and more universal than any other work of art. It is the work of art nearest to life itself. It may be translated into every language, and not only be read but actually breathed from all human lips;— not be represented on canvas or in marble only, but be carved out of the breath of life itself. The symbol of an ancient man’s thought becomes a modern man’s speech.”- Walden
 Eugene F. Timpe published a book of essays in 1971 called Thoreau Abroad covering 12 different cultures/countries (England, France, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Bohemia, Russia, Israel, India, Japan, Australia). What would that number be if a similar volume were to be published now, in 2017?
There is a new project to be done, indeed, which I imagine would be easy enough to do. It is possible for us to translate Walden “into every language,” as stated above. And “carve it out of the breath of life itself.” It is entirely possible to request this of the visitors of Walden, alone.
Using very basic technology, contributors could be asked to translate and videotape themselves speaking a single line from the book Walden into a videocamera. A website could be created to receive submissions from around the world to capture and document the more obscure (and dying) languages.
What would be the biggest barrier to the completion of such a massive project?
There are certainly enough people across the world who would volunteer their time and language skills. The technology has never been cheaper. Many excellent translations of Walden have appeared in languages that Thoreau could have only dreamed of learning, including most recently, Farsi.
What then would be the biggest problem for this or any other project to celebrate the diversity of peoples?
Walls. A killing off of support, both monetarily and politically. Massive cuts to the National Park Service, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Increase in funding for Defense and Security, both terms being NewSpeak for their inherent opposites, War & Fear. A strict political separation of people which prevents cross-pollination of ideas, languages and people.
Keep the faith. Plant a seed.

The link is here:

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Walden on Earth Day

Walden is appearing on Facebook, and in people's lives here on Earth Day.

The Earth is shaking from all the March for Science supporters. 


Friday, March 31, 2017

Thoreauvian World Domination (To Come)

Another post for the Thoreau Farm Blog to come. (Link will appear upon publication)

About a project that I have in mind, recording every single line of Walden, in MANY different languages. By visitors. For visitors,

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Civil Disobedience 2017

HDThoreau is quickly being known as the author of Civil Disobedience rather than the author of Walden.

He'll always be known as both, but this year for his bicentennial birthday present, his work is more relevant than ever.

It seems that ever since the inauguration, there has been a peaceful protest almost everyday. Sadly, there has also been a new protest worthy announcement everyday.