Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thoreau/Twain: Brothers on the River at the Thoreau Annual Gathering, Semi Annual Thoreau Play

Thoreau/Twain: Brothers on the River
Masonic Hall, 
58 Monument Sq, 
Concord, MA
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
(immediately after the performance of "HDT's Heroic Journey")

"Be thou my Muse, my Brother--,"
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

Both Henry David Thoreau and Samuel Clemens were by the deathbeds of their beloved brothers.  What happens when one brother is left on the river, and the other has to complete the rest of the journey in life alone?

Come see Henry David Thoreau and Mark Twain meet under new and unusual circumstances; a meeting that never happened in history. Finally, both have a chance to recognize and reconcile their parallel journeys. 

Primary texts of the play are taken directly from primary sources including A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers & Life on the Mississippi, as well as from journals & letters from the authors themselves.

Written by
Tammy Rose
and Henry David Thoreau
and Samuel Clemens